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Senin, 30 Januari 2012

What to hang over a fireplace

What to hang over a fireplace - home today is very interesting to see and live in, the architects compete to create a work that is attractive and comfortable dwelling, in the blogs designs latest Luxury living rooms interior modern designs we will show you a lot of types of houses from the old to latest, for the moment we will discuss first on What to hang over a fireplace the information we present we try to complete as possible, please read:
Articles : What to hang over a fireplace
full Link : What to hang over a fireplace
Article Accessories, Article circular shapes, Article firplaces,

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What to hang over a fireplace

If you were going to hang something over a fireplace, what's the first shape you think of ?  I bet it's not a circle.  Most people would think rectangle, but I would like to suggest  going against that natural inclination and putting a shape there that plays against the straight lines of a fireplace.  What do you think of the impact a circular motif makes?

 While the art is square you hardly notice the frame.  It's the circular mark making that catches the eye. 

An empty frame with two other objects creates great impact.

 A circular mirror with a mirrored frame sits back quietly while the blue accessories do all the wow work.

Shiela Off, CMKBD eclectic living room 

A simple round mirror bordered with driftwood.  This is an easy DIY project. 

This vine that has been fashioned into a loose circle is calligraphic in its statement.

This  Austin branch mirror provides the best of both worlds, a lovely circle and radiating branches.

so much information What to hang over a fireplace

hopefully we convey information What to hang over a fireplace can be useful for you in determining the model of the house that suits your heart.

complete information about What to hang over a fireplace if useful please bookmark and share the link besides this information, you can also read the other information about the house, please visit the other pages. thank you

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