Cafe Ideas 'Joy Cupcakes', taken from the memories of the kitchen traditional houses, by applying the soft colors for cafe design, as well as the use of artificial tile in the cafe room. The main concept is that everything related with 'nature', using wood and craft materials to decorate the room. Interior Design in this cafe, exudes natural warmth, giving a feeling of comfort and calm.
Lighting design, complements the overall interior of the cafe. Utilizing the high ceiling, then use unique lighting fixtures 'cupcake' white shaped. Lighting Ideas based on the consideration to adjust to the cafe design, make it look harmonious and interesting.
Cafe lighting providing a pleasant feel of the beauty of the entire space into a cafe. This is consistent with the initial purpose of this project, is to build a place that gives a sense of joy and full of happiness, that makes visitors feel special.
Cool Lighting 'Cupcake' Cafe Design Ideas |
Cool Lighting 'Cupcake' Cafe Design Ideas |
Cool Lighting 'Cupcake' Cafe Design Ideas |
Cool Lighting 'Cupcake' Cafe Design Ideas |
hopefully we convey information COOL LIGHTING 'CUPCAKE' CAFE DESIGN IDEAS can be useful for you in determining the model of the house that suits your heart.
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