The Industrial Loft is designed by Diego Revollo, an interior designer based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The 100 square meter loft is also located
in Sao Paulo and belongs to a bachelor. Thanks to that the design
and the color theme of the apartment are quite dark and masculine.
All walls are covered with one kind of burned cement covering.
It reminds walls of brick houses and combines industrial and rustic
characteristic with comfort and coziness.
The lower floor consists of public areas while in the mezzanine there is one room that serves as a bedroom, a bathroom
and a walk-in closet at once. Both floors feature the beautiful
interior that is a mix of modern and classic elements.
so much information Industrial Loft Design With Brick-Like Walls
hopefully we convey information Industrial Loft Design With Brick-Like Walls can be useful for you in determining the model of the house that suits your heart.
complete information about Industrial Loft Design With Brick-Like Walls if useful please bookmark and share the link https://fmiqed.blogspot.com/2011/01/industrial-loft-design-with-brick-like.html besides this information, you can also read the other information about the house, please visit the other pages. thank you
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