This house belongs to Ulla Koskinen. It’s her family’s dream home in the middle of the spacious countryside. Thanks to its cozy
and natural interior it’s an extremely good winter retreat.
When everything outside is covered with snow it’s a real pleasure
to wake up in such a cozy environment.
Spending evening time in a family room near the fireplace is even better. This family room is joined together with a kitchen and a dining room
so even family dinners could be surrounded by the warmness of the fire. 
Although the interior design also follows contemporary trends. There are many elements that are ready to prove that.
so much information Winter Retreat In The Middle Of The Spacious Countryside
hopefully we convey information Winter Retreat In The Middle Of The Spacious Countryside can be useful for you in determining the model of the house that suits your heart.
complete information about Winter Retreat In The Middle Of The Spacious Countryside if useful please bookmark and share the link https://fmiqed.blogspot.com/2011/01/winter-retreat-in-middle-of-spacious.html besides this information, you can also read the other information about the house, please visit the other pages. thank you
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