This modern wall panels products is available for your living room space in black and white selection. Brought to you by Rimadesio. The black and white Abacus living system is еру wall panel in lacquered glass with exceptional versatility of design and exclusive aesthetics. It continues a line of walk-in closets and brings new technologies and style to it.
These modern wall panel units are designed as primary geometric blocks and most their frames are enforced by aluminum. Minimalist modern interior design style could be accomplish thru this living room wall panel thanks to its thin material that was made from nice combination between glass and aluminium which also make drawers, shelves and other elements comes in extremely thin shape. The back of the panel is equipped with an LED lighting system that is spread over the top. Once again Rimadesio proved that they create practical yet beautiful storage systems.
so much information Black and White Living Room Wall Panels – Abacus Living by Rimadesio
hopefully we convey information Black and White Living Room Wall Panels – Abacus Living by Rimadesio can be useful for you in determining the model of the house that suits your heart.
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Tag :
interior design,
living room,
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