modern homes design trends is created in simple and minimalist way. Some architects use concrete materials as its main structure while it can be combined with floor to ceiling glass windows to create a transparent looks in its main concrete structure which resulting a great modern concrete house design with light facade such as this Novron Ardesco Houses nestled in in Yalikavak, Mugla, Turkey.
This modern box-shaped house is designed by Teget Architectural Office in 3800 m² building areas and was completed in 2007-2008. This Architectural Photography Design was taken by Hande Köksal. For further information, Visit the Architects website here.
so much information Novron Ardesco Houses in Turkey by Teget Architectural Office
hopefully we convey information Novron Ardesco Houses in Turkey by Teget Architectural Office can be useful for you in determining the model of the house that suits your heart.
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Concrete Homes,
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