Pete bosley has done wonderful task in designing this beautiful modern minimalist purple cedar house design. This house has a cool features to protect the front of the house from noise using wrapped dark cedar materials. The screen is facing a disguised form of step function of the building. Clever building material choice has made this house get its privacy but still allow light to penetrate the west side by using frosted glass material.
The image of the frayed edge of the wooden screen through the frosted glass provides a beautiful silhouette in the light of day. Dark purple color of the house exterior and interior. From the natural color as the stones are arranged as a fence to modern furniture. This minimalist residential architecture has a large opening to see the bay and also the edge.
so much information Minimalist Purple Cedar House Design Ideas
hopefully we convey information Minimalist Purple Cedar House Design Ideas can be useful for you in determining the model of the house that suits your heart.
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