Pop art interior design is a style of that era who uses everyday objects and consumerism culture to create artistic interior design. This beautiful Majik Cafe interior design is one of the best interior decoration project that was done by Karim Rashid for restaurant in Belgrade, Serbia that using pop art interior design style for its cool interior decoration.
The Majik Cafe interior lighting was done using RGB LED panel that was installed surround the bar creating beautiful lighting effect and makes the cafe atmosphere looks more stylish and modern in pop art style. The exterior of this majik cafe is finished in polished, stainless steel, and mosaic tile.
so much information Pop Art Interior Design of Majik Cafe by Karim Rashid
hopefully we convey information Pop Art Interior Design of Majik Cafe by Karim Rashid can be useful for you in determining the model of the house that suits your heart.
complete information about Pop Art Interior Design of Majik Cafe by Karim Rashid if useful please bookmark and share the link https://fmiqed.blogspot.com/2010/12/pop-art-interior-design-of-majik-cafe.html besides this information, you can also read the other information about the house, please visit the other pages. thank you
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